joi, 17 ianuarie 2013

What, exactly, IS a chakra? About chakra cleansing

What, exactly, IS a chakra?

We all share the same luminous anatomy, which includes the chakras and the acupuncture meridians. The chakras are swirling disks of energy. They spin three to four inches outside the body and link to our spine and the central nervous system. The chakras are a direct pipeline to the human neural network.
They rotate clockwise, and each chakra has a unique frequency that we perceive as one of the seven colors of the rainbow. The chakras in a newborn child display their pure color, from red in the first chakra to violet in the seventh. As we grow older the colors in the chakras become dull. The trauma and loss in our lives leave their toxic residues behind. The sludge that adheres to a chakra does not permit it to vibrate at its pure frequency, and physical aging is accelerated. When a shaman completes his or her healing process, the chakras become clear; they spin freely and vibrate with their original purity again.
While the practitioners of yoga recognize seven chakras, my mentor and shaman Don Antonio taught me that we have nine chakras. Seven are within the physical body while two are outside the body.
The eighth chakra resides within our Luminous Energy Field. It hovers above the head like a spinning sun. It is our connection with the Great Spirit, the place where God dwells in us. When we die, the eighth chakra expands into a luminous globe and envelops the other seven chakras in a vessel of light.
The ninth chakra corresponds to Spirit, which is impersonal and infinite. While the eighth chakra manifests in time, the ninth chakra is present in the timeless now, a point without time, unfettered to history. It extends through the vastness of space and connects to the eighth chakra by a luminous cord.

About chakra cleansing

Each of us has a Luminous Energy Field, which can become toxic as a result of environmental or emotional pollutants. The chakras become clogged, building up residue and spinning more and more sluggishly so that we have less energy and become easily irritated or depressed. Eventually, they seize up and our immune system breaks down.
How effectively we renew our energy stores can determine how healthy and active we remain. One way to upgrade our Luminous Energy Field is to make a practice of cleansing the seven chakras. It is practiced in the morning while in the shower. Hold your left hand at the base of your spine, and with your right hand three to four inches above the skin, feel for your first chakra. Spin the chakra counterclockwise (imagine that your body is the face of a clock) three or four times, rotating your fingertips in a circle. Rinse your fingers in the water and repeat this process for all seven chakras, making sure to rinse your fingers thoroughly in between.
Now, go back to your first chakra, spinning it clockwise three or four times. Repeat for all seven chakras. This exercise increases the speed of the chakras, allowing each energy vortex to spin at its optimal frequency. A clean chakra is able to draw in natural energy to replenish the reserves in the Luminous Energy Field and keep us in exceptional health.

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