duminică, 4 august 2013

Using Sannyas Name

Now I'm using a Sannyas Name "Sw Anand Pavitro"

Anand means Bliss
Pavitro means Pure

What is Sannyas?
Osho Neo-Sannyas is basically a  way of life according to the vision of  the spiritual master Osho, which can  be summarized as living consciously, meditatively and in celebration. Osho has talked on sannyas on numerous occasions; his discourses can be researched on the online libraries of www.osho.com, www.oshoworld.com and www.oshosearch.net

Taking Sannyas:
“What are the requirements to become an Osho sannyasin?” “Which meditations am I supposed to do?” “Are there anyobligations to fulfil to be a sannyasin?”
These are frequently asked questions and the simple answer is that now there are no requirements 
for sannyas, there are no formal obligations; sannyas is “initiation into freedom.”

Osho Sannyas is not a religion, it is not a sect, and it is not a political or ideological organisation. Sannyas is simply a statement by the individual that Osho is her/his spiritual master. Osho’s spiritual guidance to the individual can come through practicing his meditations, reading his books, watching the video recordings of his discourses. There is no formal organisation, no priest or medium, no one to watch or judge.

However, there is a loose informal community of fellow sannyasins, a global Osho Sangha, who are indirectly connected only because they love the same spiritual master. Many sannyasins find that to meditate in the presence of other sannyasins is very supportive, although it is not a necessity, there is no church. Osho Therapy groups are now a common way in which Osho sannyasins meet each other, but again there is no obligation to join.

To take Osho sannyas it is no longer required to ask anyone for permission, taking sannyas happens inside the being of the individual. However, it is customary to declare oneself as an Osho sannyasin, and begin to use a sannyas name. This is frequently done at a celebration organised by Osho Meditation Centre or by an Osho therapist in a group or meditation camp. The style of celebration can be different according to the organiser, there is now no uniform or formal style of initiation.

Choosing a Sannyas name:
Once the individual has decided to be an Osho sannyasin, there are a few ways to choose the name:
1. In meditation the individual becoming a sannyasin receives or understands the meanings of the names they feel they need. These meanings can reflect the qualities that the individual feels Osho Sannyas and Osho’s meditations will help them to grow towards, or they could be qualities that the individual already has and feels can be developed more. The meanings can then be researched on the list of sannyas names.
2. Rather than a meaning the individual has a preference for a particular sound for the pronunciation of the name, or a letter they prefer the name to begin with.
3. The individual becoming a sannyasin decides to ask somebody else to choose the name for them.
4. Intuitively open an Osho book, to find a meaning or a name of a previous sannyasin.

One or Two Names:
Usually sannyas names consist of two names, somewhat similar to the global use of a family name and an individual name. Although no strict rules apply to the choice of names for first or second name, often it is regarded that the first name denotes a pathway that the seeker is on or will travel on; and the second name often describes a certain individual quality. It is usual to use the second name when introducing oneself, and to use the first and second when introducing the full name. It is also possible to have just one name.

Osho gave the titles ‘Swami’ and ‘Ma’ for male and female sannyasins. ‘Swami’ mean ‘master of oneself’ which can be understood as the potential of male energy. Although the spelling and pronunciation of ‘Svami’ would be more correct for Sanskrit purists, in Osho Sannyas we have always used the easier pronunciation and spelling of ‘Swami’ and often shortened to “Sw.” ‘Ma’ means ‘mother’ or ‘mother of the universe’ and can be understood to mean “to become a mother of oneself, and to give birth to one’s new self.” Osho never used the used the title ‘Swamini’ or ‘Svamini’ as the female disciples of some traditional Indian religious paths have.

Now, I am Pavitro 

Thank you Radha