miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010

Ceea ce fac este bine

     Nu este nimic nobil in a fi superior altei persoane. Adevarata noblete consta in a fi superior celui care am fost inainte.
     Nu conteaza ce spun ceilalti despre mine. Este important ce spun eu, despre mine insumi. Nu ma preocup de judecata celorlalti, atat timp cat stiu ca ceea ce fac este bine. Pot face tot ce doresc atata vreme cat stiu ca este corect, conform constiintei si inimii mele. Nu imi este niciodata rusine sa fac ceea ce este corect; decid ce cred ca este bine si apoi ma comport in consecinta.
     Robin Sharma inspire me

marți, 28 decembrie 2010

What do you expect to accomplish on 2011?

There are only few more days to start a new Year! We usually set our goals for next year, new dreams and more exciting things to do. Take your time to sit down all alone and write down the most important goals where you want to focus all your energy. What do you expect to accomplish on 2011?

Success is goals and all else is commentary. This is the great discovery throughout all of human history. Your life only begins to become a great life when you clearly identify what it is that you want,
make a plan to achieve it and then work on that plan every single day.

“The primary reason for failure is that people do not develop new plans to replace those plans that didn’t work.” (Napoleon Hill)

                                                                The Goal-Setting Process

1. Decide exactly what you want in every key area of your life
Start off by Idealizing. Imagine that there are no limitations on what you can be, have or do. Imagine that you have all the time and money, all the friends and contacts, all the education and experience that you need to accomplish any goal you can set for yourself. Imagine that you could wave a magic wand and make your life perfect in each of the four key areas of life. If your life was perfect in each area, what would it look like?
 INCOME – how much do you want to earn this year, next year and five years from today?
 FAMILY – what kind of a lifestyle do you want to create for yourself and your family?
 HEALTH – how would your health be different if it was perfect in every way?
 NET WORTH – how much do you want to save and accumulate in the course of your working lifetime?

2. Write it down.
Your goals must be in writing. They must be clear, specific, detailed and measurable.
Only 3% of adults have written goals, and everyone else works for them.

3. Set a deadline.
Your subconscious mind uses deadlines as “forcing systems” to drive you, consciously and unconsciously toward achieving your goal on schedule.
If your goal is big enough, set sub-deadlines. If you want to achieve financial independence, you may set a 10 or 20-year goal, and then break it down, year by year, so that you know how much you have to save and invest each year.
If for some reason you don’t achieve your goal by the deadline, simply set a new deadline. There are no
unreasonable goals, only unreasonable deadlines.

4. Identify the obstacles that you will have to overcome to achieve your goal.
The 80/20 Rule applies to constraints. Fully 80% of the reasons that are holding you back from achieving your goal are inside yourself. They are the lack of a skill, a quality or a body of knowledge. Only 20% of the reasons you are not achieving your goal are on the outside. Always start with yourself.

5. Identify the knowledge, information and skills you will need to achieve your goal
Especially, identify the skills that you will have to develop to be in the top 10% of your field.
Greatest Discovery: Your weakest key skill sets the height of your income and your success. You can make more progress by going to work on the one skill that is holding you back more than any other.
Key Question: “What one skill, if you developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on your life?”
Whatever the skill, write it down, make a plan and work on it every
single day.

6. Identify the people whose help and cooperation you will require to achieve your goal.
Make a list of every person in your life that you will have to work with or work around to achieve your goal.
To achieve big goals you will have to have the help and support of lots of people. One key person at a certain time and place in your life will make all the difference. The most successful people are those who build and maintain the largest networks of other people whom they can help and who can help them in return.

7. Make a list of everything you will have to do to achieve your goal.
Combine the obstacles that you will have to overcome, the knowledge and skills you will have to develop and the people whose cooperation you will require. List every single step that you can think of that you will have to follow to ultimately achieve your goal.
When you make out a list of all the things you will need to do to achieve your goal, you begin to see that this goal is far more attainable than you thought. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You can build the biggest wall in the world one brick at a time.

8. Organize your list into a plan. You organize this list by arranging the steps that you have identified by sequence and priority.
Sequence – what do you have to do before you do something else, and in what order?
Priority – what is more important and what is less important?
The 80/20 Rule says that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities. The 20/80 Rule says that the first 20% of time that you spend planning your goal and organizing your plan will be worth 80% of the time and effort required to achieve the goal. Planning is very important.

9. Make a plan. Organize your list into a series of steps from the beginning all the way through to the completion of your goal.
When you have a Goal and a Plan, you increase the likelihood of achieving your goals by 10 times, by 1000%!
• Plan each day, week and month in advance.
• Plan each month at the beginning of the month.
• Plan each week the weekend before.
• Plan each day the evening before.

10.Select your number one, most important task for each day.
Set priorities on your list using the 80/20 Rule.
Ask yourself this question: “If I could only do one thing on this list, which one activity is most important?” Whatever you answer to that question, put a number “1” next to that activity.
Then, ask yourself, “If I could only do one other task on this list, which one task would be the most valuable use of my time?” Then write a number “2” next to that task.
Keep asking this question, “What is the most valuable use of my time on this list?” until you have your seven top tasks, organized by sequence and priority.
Here is another question you can ask, “If I could only do one thing all day long, which one activity would contribute the most value to my work and to my goals?”
Focus and Concentration are the keys to success.

11Develop the habit of self-discipline.
Once you have decided on your most important task, resolve to concentrate single-mindedly on that one task until it is 100% complete.
Your ability to select your most important task and then to work on it single mindedly, without diversion or distraction, will double and triple the quality and quantity of your output and your productivity.
Single Handling is one of the most powerful of all time management techniques. This means that when you start with the task, you avoid all distractions and stay with that task until it is done. Once you have developed the habit of completing your tasks, you will earn two and three and even five times as much as other people.

12.Practice visualization on your goals.
Create clear, vivid, exciting, emotional pictures of your goals as if they were already a reality.
See your goal as though it were already achieved. Imagine yourself enjoying the accomplishment of this goal. If it is a car, imagine yourself driving this car. If it is a vacation, see yourself on the vacation already. If it is a beautiful home that you want, see yourself living in a beautiful home.
In visualizing, take a few moments to create the emotions that would accompany the successful achievement of your goal. A mental picture combined with an emotion has an enormous impact on your subconscious and your superconscious mind.
Visualization is perhaps the most powerful faculty available to you to help you achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible.
When you use a combination of clear goals, combined with visualization and emotionalization, you activate your superconscious mind. Your superconscious mind then solves every problem on the way to your goal

13.Goal-Setting Exercise
Take a clean sheet of paper and write the word “Goals” at the top of the page along with today’s date. Discipline yourself to write out at least 10 goals that you would like to accomplish in the next year, or in the foreseeable future.
Begin each goal with the word “I.” Only you can use the word “I.” Follow the word “I” with an action verb that acts as a command from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind.
Describe your goals in the present tense, as though they had already been achieved.
If your goal is to earn a certain amount of money in a certain year, you would say, “I earn this number of dollars by the end of this year.”
If your goal is to get a new car, you would say, “I drive such and such a new car by such and such a date.”
Finally, when you write down your goals, always write them in the positive tense. Instead of saying, “I will quit smoking,” you would say, “I am a non-smoker.”
Always state your goals as though they were already a reality, as though you had already accomplished them. This activates your subconscious and superconscious minds to change your external reality so it is consistent with your inner commands

14.Decide upon your major definite purpose.
Once you have written out a list of 10 goals, ask yourself this question, “If I could wave a magic wand and achieve any goal on this list within 24 hours, which one goal would have the greatest positive impact on my life?”
Whatever your answer to that question, put a circle around that goal. Then, transfer the goal to the top of a clean sheet of paper

Brian TRACY inspire me


luni, 27 decembrie 2010

Sounds good to me

Say goodbye and close your eyes, let's drift away
Like a ship on the ocean, we'll set sail for a better day
Come live in a daydream, this is your wonderland
Let's swim in the deep sea, so jump in and take my hand

Dream away don't wait for the night
'Cause any old time at all sounds good to me
Hello, you can open your eyes, we're almost there
Can you feel all the energy, there's magic everywhere
Come live in a daydream, this is your destiny
Just let the feeling surround you and it will set you free

We've all got problems, don't let them get to you
And when your feeling down there's only one thing to do

Dream away don't wait for the night
'Cause any old time at all sounds good to me
Dream away, everything's alright
I hope it sounds good to you, sounds good to me
Sounds good to me

duminică, 26 decembrie 2010

Benjamin Franklin - virtues

1) Temperance—Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation
2) Silence—Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation
3) Order—let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time
4) Resolution—resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve
5) Frugality—Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing
6) Industry—Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions
7) Sincerity—Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly
8) Justice—Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty
9) Moderation—Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve
10) Cleanliness—Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloths, or habitation
11) Tranquility—Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable
12) Chastity—Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation
13) Humility—Imitate Jesus and Socrates

sâmbătă, 25 decembrie 2010

There are no unachievable goals

There are no unlockable doors
There are no unwinnable wars
There are no unrightable wrongs
Or unsingable songs

There are no unbeatable odds
There are no believable gods
There are no unnameable names
Shall I say it again, yeah

There are no impossible dreams
There are no invisible seams
Each night when the day is through
I don't ask much


There are no uncriminal crimes
There are no unrhymable rhymes
There are no identical twins or
forgivable sins

There are no incurable ills
There are no unkillable thrills
One thing and you know it's true,
I don't ask much


I'm sick and tired of bein' sick and tired
I used to go to bed so high and wired, yeah - yeah, yeah, yeah
I think I'll buy myself some plastic water
I guess I should have married Lennon's daughter, yeah - yeah, yeah, yeah

There are no unachievable goals
There are no unsaveable souls
No legitimate kings or queens, do
you know what I mean? Yeah

There are no indisputable truths
And there ain't no fountain of youth
Each night when the day is through,
I don't ask much

Pentru tine

Acum, cand a venit Craciunul, iti trimit un mesaj scurt pentru a te ruga sa-ti
reamintesti adevarata valoare a ceea ce reprezinta de fapt sarbatorile...

Sa strangi legaturile cu familia;

Sa devii constient de numeroasele lucruri minunate din viata ta;

Sa celebrezi toate realizarile tale din anul care tocmai se sfarseste, indiferent daca au fost mari sau mici;

Sa-ti reamintesti toate lectiile pe care le-ai invatat, chiar daca acestea au venit deghizate ca si obstacole;

Si, poate cel mai important, sa-ti aloci un pic de timp doar pentru tine si sa reflectezi la visele, intentiile si valorile pentru anul care vine.

Cristian Ionica inspire me

joi, 23 decembrie 2010

1 Stapaneste-ti mintea

   In parabola spirituala pe care am postat-o pe 13 decembrie, gradina este simbolul mintii. 

Daca am grija de mintea mea, daca o hranesc si o cultiv asemenea unei gradini fertile, bogate, ea va inflori cu mult peste asteptarile mele. Dar daca las buruienile sa prinda radacini, nu voi atinge niciodata pacea durabila a mintii si armonia interioara profunda.

   Ma uit la deseurile toxice pe care cei mai multi oameni le arunca in gradinile fertile ale mintii lor in fiecare zi: ingrijorarile, anxietatea, agitatia legata de trecut, planurile de viitor si fricile create de ei insisi, care fac prapad in lumea interioara.

   Nu pot controla vremea, traficul sau starile celor din jurul meu, dar cu siguranta pot controla atitudinea mea fata de aceste evenimente.

   Lumea mea exterioara reflecta starea lumii mele interioare. Lucrurile sunt intotdeauna create de doua ori, mai intai in planul mintii si apoi, abia apoi, in realitate = PLANIFICARE. Tot ceea ce crez in lumea mea exterioara a inceput cu un simplu plan in lumea interioara, pe vastul ecran al mintii.

   Mintea este un servitor minunat, dar si un stapan cumplit. Mintea este la fel ca oricare alt muschi din corpul meu, il folosesc sau il pierd. Ori eu sunt cel controleaza mintea, ori mintea este cea care ma controleaza.

   Mintea mea are puterea magnetica de a atrage tot ce-mi doresc in viata. Daca lipseste ceva din viata mea, este pentru ca lipseste ceva din gandurile mele.

Tehnica pentru stapanirea mintii - 21 de zile
Inima trandafirului

„Tot ceea ce-ti trebuie pentru a realiza acest exercitiu este un trandafir proaspat si un loc linistit. Locurile naturale sunt cele mai bune, dar si intr-o camera linistita va fi la fel de bine. Incepi sa privesti centrul trandafirului, inima sa. Un trandafir seamana foarte mult cu viata: vei intalni tepi in cale, dar daca ai credinta in visele tale, in cele din urma vei trece dincolo de tepi, catre gloria florii. Continua sa privesti trandafirul, observa-i culoarea, textura si forma. Savureaza-i parfumul si gandeste-te doar la cest minunat obiect din viata ta. La inceput, alte ganduri iti vor patrunde in minte, distragandu-te de la inima trandafirului. Acesta este semnul unei minti neantrenate. Dar nu te ingrijora, imbunatatirile vor aparea curand. Pur si simplu readu-ti atentia asupra obiectului. Curand, mintea ta va deveni puternica si disciplinata. Fii perseverent si petrece perioade din ce in ce mai lungi, savurand inima trandafirului”

Robin Sharma and  Romeo Cretu inspire me!


miercuri, 22 decembrie 2010

People who inspire me

Eckhart Tolle    Brian Tracy
Romeo Cretu     Andy Szekely
Steve Pavlina     Tony Robbins

Debbie Ford    Shelle Rose Charvet
Alberto Villoldo    Robin Sharma 

Joe Navarro     Shakti Gawain
Pera Novacovici   Lynne Forrest
M. Scott Peck    Osho
Mihai Dinu   Alice Miller
Dan Luca   Elizabeth Scott
Julie Hay  Deepak Chopra

Marcus Aurelius    Bob Proctor
Earl Nightingale    Paul Ekman

miercuri, 15 decembrie 2010


  1. Exercise daily.
  2. Get serious about gratitude.
  3. See your work as a craft.
  4. Expect the best and prepare for the worst.
  5. Keep a journal.
6. Read “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”.
  7. Plan a schedule for your week.
  8. Know the 5 highest priorities of your life.
  9. Say no to distractions.
  10. Drink a lot of water.
  11. Improve your work every single day.
  12. Get a mentor.
  13. Hire a coach.
  14. Get up at 5 am each day.
  15. Eat less food.
  16. Find more heroes.
  17. Be a hero to someone.
  18. Smile at strangers.
  19. Be the most ethical person you know.
  20. Don’t settle for anything less than excellence.
  21. Savor life’s simplest pleasures.
22. Save 10% of your income each month.
  23. Spend time at art galleries.
24. Walk in the woods.
25. Write thank you letters to those who’ve helped you.
  26. Forgive those who’ve wronged you.
  27. Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades.
  28. Create unforgettable moments with those you love.
  29. Have 5 great friends.
  30. Become stunningly polite.
  31. Unplug your TV.
32. Sell your TV.
  33. Read daily.
  34. Avoid the news.
  35. Be content with what you have.
  36. Pursue your dreams.
  37. Be authentic.
  38. Be passionate.
  39. Say sorry when you know you should.40. Never miss a moment to celebrate another.
  41. Have a vision for your life.
  42. Know your strengths.
  43. Focus your mind on the good versus the lack.
  44. Be patient.
  45. Don’t give up.
  46. Clean up your messes.
  47. Use impeccable words.
48. Travel more.
49. Read “As You Think”.
  50. Honor your parents.
  51. Tip taxi drivers well.
  52. Be a great teammate.
  53. Give no energy to critics.
54. Spent time in the mountains.
  55. Know your top 5 values.
  56. Shift from being busy to achieving results.
  57. Innovate and iterate.
  58. Speak less. Listen more.
  59. Be the best person you know.
  60. Make your life matter.

52 from 60 :) great

Robin Sharma inspire me

luni, 13 decembrie 2010

O fabula spirituala

     Ma aflu in mijlocul unei gradini magnifice, luxuriante, plina de cele mai frumoase flori pe care le-am vazut vreodata. Atmosfera este extrem de linistita si de tacuta. Savurez incantarile senzuale ale acestei gradini si simt ca am tot timpul din lume pentru a ma bucura de aceasta oaza naturala.
     Privind in jur, observ ca in centrul acestei gradini magice se inalta un far rosu falnic cu sase etaje.
     Dintr-odata, tacerea gradinii este tulburata de un scartait puternic, usa de la baza farului se deschide si iese afara un luptator de sumo  japonez inalt de 2,70 metri si cantarind 300kg, care incepe sa cutreiere nepasator prin centrul gradinii.
     Luptatorul de sumo este aproape gol. Are doar un cablu de sarma roz, care ii acopera partile intime.
    Plimbandu-se prin gradina, luptatorul de sumo da peste un cronometru stralucitor de aur, aruncat de cineva cu multi ani in urma. Aluneca pe el si cade la pamant cu o bufnitura strasnica. Luptatorul de sumo este acum incostient si zace acolo tacut si nemiscat. 
     Si tocmai cand ma gandeam ca si-a dat ultima suflare, luptatorul isi revine, trezit de parfumul proaspat al unor trandafiri galbeni, care cresc in apropiere. Inviorat, luptatorul sare in picioare si se uita intuitiv catre stanga, uimit de ceea ce vede.
     Printre trandafirii care cresc de ambele parti ale gradinii observa o carare lunga, serpuita, acoperita de milioane de diamante stralucitoare. Ceva pare sa-l indrume pe luptator sa o ia pe carare si, avand incredere in acel ceva, luptatorul porneste pe calea care-l duce catre fericirea permanenta si beatitudine eterna.

Robin Sharma inspire me  

joi, 2 decembrie 2010

Legea Contrastului

Este vorba despre o scrisoare pe care o proaspata studenta o scrie catre parintii ei
"Draga mama si tata,
De cand am plecat la facultate nu am avut timp sa va scriu si imi pare rau pentru asta. O sa va povestesc totul in aceasta scrisoare, dar inainte sa cititi va rog mult sa va asezati pe scaun. Va rog frumos inca odata sa nu cititi in continuare decat daca sunteti asezati. Ok?
Ei bine, acum mi-am mai revenit dupa ce mi-am spart capul sarind pe geamul de la dormitorul meu, care a luat foc la putin timp dupa ce am ajuns acolo. Am petrecut doar 2 saptamani in spital, iar acum pot sa vad aproape clar si capul ma mai doare o singura data pe zi.
Norocul meu a fost ca dupa ce am sarit pe fereastra pentru ca imi luase foc dormitorul, am fost vazuta de un anagajat de la benzinaria de langa. El a fost cel care a sunat la pompieri si chemat ambulanta. Tot el a fost cel care m-a vizitat frecvent la spital, si pentru ca nu aveam unde sa mai stau din cauza incendiului, a fost destul amabil incat sa ma lase sa locuiesc in apartamentul lui. Este de fapt doar o camera in subsol, dar este destul de draguta. Este un baiat foarte de treaba, ne-am indragostit, si urmeaza sa ne casatorim. Nu am stabilit inca o data concreta, insa vrem sa fie inainte ca sarcina mea sa devina vizibila.
Acum ca v-am pus la curent cu tot ce s-a intamplat, vreau sa va spun ca nu a fost nici un incendiu in dormitorul meu, nu m-am lovit la cap, nu am fost in spital, nu sunt gravida, si nici nu am prieten.
Dar... am luat un 3 la istorie si un 4 la chimie si vreau sa vedeti notele acestea dintr-o perspectiva corecta.
Fata voastra,

Mihaela, poate ca o sa pice la chimie dar are 10 la psihologia aplicata.

miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010

Trusting In Mind

A New Translation of the Hsin Hsin Ming, the classic poem by the Third Patriarch of Zen, Seng T'san

The Great Way is not difficult,
Just don't pick and choose.
If you cut off all likes or dislikes
Everything is clear like space.
Make the slightest distinction
And heaven and earth are set apart.
If you wish to see the truth,
Don't think for or against.
Likes and dislikes
Are the mind's disease.
Without understanding the deep meaning
You cannot still your thoughts.
It is clear like space,
Nothing missing, nothing extra.
If you want something
You cannot see things as they are.
Outside, don't get tangled in things.
Inside, don't get lost in emptiness.
Be still and become One
And all opposites disappear.
If you stop moving to become still,
This stillness always moves.
If you hold on to opposites,
How can you know One?
If you don't understand One,
This and that cannot function.
Denied, the world asserts itself.
Pursued, emptiness is lost.
The more you think and talk,
The more you lose the Way.
Cut off all thinking
And pass freely anywhere.
Return to the root and understand.
Chase appearances and lose the source.
One moment of enlightenment
Illuminates the emptiness before you.
Emptiness changing into things
Is only our deluded view.
Do not seek the truth.
Only put down your opinions.
Do not live in the world of opposites.
Be careful! Never go that way.
If you make right and wrong,
Your mind is lost in confusion.
Two comes from One,
But do not cling even to this One.
When your mind is undisturbed
The ten thousand things are without fault.
No fault, no ten thousand things,
No disturbance, no mind.
No world, no one to see it.
No one to see it, no world.
This becomes this because of that.
That becomes that because of this.
If you wish to understand both,
See them as originally one emptiness.
In emptiness the two are the same,
And each holds the ten thousand things.
If you no longer see them as different,
How can you prefer one to another?
The Way is calm and wide,
Not easy, not difficult.
But small minds get lost.
Hurrying, they fall behind.
Clinging, they go too far,
Sure to take a wrong turn,
Just let it be! In the end,
Nothing goes, nothing stays.
Follow nature and become one with the Way,
Free and easy and undisturbed.
Tied by your thoughts, you lose the truth,
Become heavy, dull, and unwell.
Not well, the mind is troubled.
Then why hold or reject anything?
If you want to get the One Vehicle
Do not despise the world of the senses.
When you do not despise the six senses,
That is already enlightenment.
The wise do not act.
The ignorant bind themselves.
In true Dharma there is no this or that,
So why blindly chase your desires?
Using mind to stir up the mind
Is the original mistake.
Peaceful and troubled are only thinking.
Enlightenment has no likes or dislikes.
All opposites arise
From faulty views.
Illusions, flowers in the air --
Why try to grasp them?
Win, lose, right, wrong --
Put it all down!
If the eye never sleeps,
Dreams disappear by themselves.
If the mind makes no distinctions,
The ten thousand things are one essence.
Understand this dark essence
And be free from entanglements.
See the ten thousand things as equal
And you return to your original nature
Enlightened beings everywhere
All enter this source.
This source is beyond time and space.
One moment is ten thousand years.
Even if you cannot see it,
The whole universe is before your eyes.
Infinitely small is infinitely large:
No boundaries, no differences.
Infinitely large is infinitely small:
Measurements do not matter here.
What is is the same as what is not.
What is not is the same as what is.
Where it is not like this,
Don't bother staying.
One is all,
All is one.
When you see things like this,
You do not worry about being incomplete.
Trust and Mind are not two.
Not-two is trusting the Mind.
Words and speech don't cut it,
Can't now, never could, won't ever.