joi, 10 ianuarie 2013

Petals: Petals On Chakras

By Sri Swami Sivananda

Each Chakra has a particular number of petals with a Sanskrit alphabet on each petal. The vibration that is produced at each petal is represented by the corresponding Sanskrit letter. Every letter denotes the Mantra of Devi Kundalini. The letters exist in the petals in a latent form. These can be manifested and the vibrations of the Nadis felt during concentration.
The best way to understand a mantra is to work with it. Each mantra has a direct, specific effect on the chakra system. (In fact, the 50 seed sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet correspond with the 50 petals of our chakra system.) As the mantra formulae are intoned, the petals on the chakras vibrate in sympathetic response and the bridge to healing, from the gross physical level to the eternal cosmic consciousness, is awakened. More simply put, the mantra creates a forcefield of such positive energy that you cannot help but be affected positively.
The number of petals of the lotuses varies. Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha and Ajna Chakras have 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, and 2 petals respectively. All the 50 Sanskrit letters are on the 50 petals. The number of petals in each Chakra is determined by the number and position of the Yoga Nadis around the Chakra. I will make it still clear. From each Chakra a particular number of Yoga Nadis crop up. The Chakra gives the appearance of a lotus with the Nadis as its petals. The sound produced by the vibrations of the Yoga Nadis is represented by the corresponding Sanskrit letter. The Chakras with their petals hang downwards when Kundalini is at the Muladhara Chakra. When it is awakened, they turn towards Brahmarandhra. They always face the side of Kundalini.

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